Defibrillator for Mühlenhof

MaiMed participates in costs Since the Mühlenhof (of the Sponsor Association Mühlenhof e.V. in Sprengel) still lacked a defibrillator until recently, we were very happy to participate in the necessary acquisition costs - now this will…

MaiMed grows strongly

Six million euros invested and warehouse significantly expanded Neuenkirchen, Germany. From the Bundesstraße 71, which runs a few metres away, it is hardly visible when a construction vehicle is not driving through the field of vision:…

Product donation Kenya

It had long been clear to us that we didn't want to start working immediately after graduating. We wanted to combine work and holidays in an internship, while expanding our skills and at the same time supporting the local people. Still during…

MaiMed® MyClean – Flowpack ViruComplete

Gebrauchsfertige, alkoholhaltige Desinfektionstücher Wirkt bakterizid (inkl. MRSA), tuberkulozid (inkl. M.-terrae), mykobakterizid (inkl. M.-avium), fungizid (A.-brasiliensis) Wirksam gegen alle behüllten Viren (inkl. BVDV (HCV), HBV/HIV,…